Research Interests

  • History of sculpture, image theory and the veneration of images in the Middle Ages
  • Relics, reliquaries, and treasure objects in Early and High Medieval Art 
  • Objects as archives of a history of  applied arts, materiality, knowledge transfer and trade in the global "Middle Ages"
  • Art and Science in the Middle Ages
  • Manuscript illuminations of Genesis in Medieval Art
  • Pictorial space and horizon - representation and perception in Medieval Art
  • Non-Western pre-modern objects in Swiss collections and their provenance


Beate Fricke, Dr., Full Professor
Irina Dudar, Dr., Research assistant
Elena Filliger, Student research assistant
Lia Schüpbach, Teaching- (Grundkurs) assistant

The Inheritance of Looting: Medieval Trophies to Modern Museums (SNF Project Grant)

Susan Marti, Dr., Research assistant
Sasha Rossman, Dr., Research assistant
Jakob Weber, M.A., PhD Student


Katharina Böhmer, M.A., Editor
Alessandra Fedrigo, Student research assistant
Lia Schüpbach, Student research assistant
Joanne Luginbühl, Freelancer
Lisa Leimer, Student research assistant


Manuela Studer-Karlen, Dr., Professor
Lisa Schmid, M.A., Doktorandin

Former members

Finbarr Barry Flood, visiting professor Juli 2023
Adriana Basso Schaub, Teaching assistant (Grundkurs)
Ivan Foletti, visiting professor April 2023
Theresa Holler, Dr., Postdoctoral research/lecturer
Aaron Hyman, visiting professor Dezember 2022 - Juli 2023
Zumrad Ilyasova, M.A., Research assistant
Amélie Joller, Student research assistant
Gregor von Kerssenbrock-von Krosigk, Predoctoral research fellow
Meekyung MacMurdie PhD, Postdoctoral research fellow
Anne McClanan, visiting professor June 2023
Mariko Mugwyler, Student research assistant
Saskia C. Quené Dr., Predoctoral research fellow
Stefanie Lenk, Dr., Predoctoral research fellow
Carlos Rojas Cocoma Dr., Research assistant
Andrew Sears, Dr., Research assistant
Leonie Singer, M.A., Research assistant
Dominique Wyss, Student research assistant

Ongoing Research Projects

Completed Research Projects

Publication Year Type
Since 2017 Professor of Medieval Art, University of Bern
2009-2016 Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor of Medieval Art and Architecture, Department of History of Art, University of California, Berkeley
2008-2009, 2011 Swiss National Science Foundation Research Fellow, University of Zurich
2004-2008 Wissenschaftliche Assistentin, University of Zurich
1999-2005 Doctoral dissertation „Götzendienst und Bildkultur. Die Statue der Hl. Fides von Conques, University of Trier, published in German: Ecce Fides.  Die Statue von Conques, Götzendienst und Bildkultur im Westen, München 2007, in English: Fallen Idols, Risen Saints. The Statue of Conques and the Revival of Monumental Sculpture in Medieval Art, Turnhout 2015.
1994-1999 Student, University of Karlsruhe