Study counselling

Study coordination

M.A. Julia Strobel
(Major students and doctoral students)
Consultation hour: by appointment
Mittelstrasse 43, Office 166

M.A. Patricia Simon
(Minor students incl. students of the HKB)
Consultation hour: by appointment
Mittelstrasse 43, Office 166


Student Advisory Service of the Student Council:

By appointment
Helena Schell

Study counselling by section (by appointment):

Pre-Modern Art History

Dr. Irina Dudar

Early Modern Art History

Dr. Annette Kranen
MSt Torben Hanhart

Modern and Contemporary Art History

Dr. Charlotte Klink
Dr. Yvonne Schweizer

History of Architecture and Historic Preservation

Prof. Dr. Laura Hindelang

History of Textile Arts

Dr. Moïra Dato

Consultations on specific topics:

Consultations on the bachelor examination:
Dr. Annette Kranen

Consultations on the master examination:
Dr. Charlotte Klink
M.A. Seraina Peer

Consultations on student mobility/Erasmus:
Dr. Moïra Dato
Dr. Toni Hildebrandt
Dr. Yvonne Schweizer