
  • Wassernutzung, -wissen, und -infrastruktur in der frühen Neuzeit
  • Umweltgeschichte der frühneuzeitlichen Welt
  • Vergleichende, grenzübergreifende Europäische Geschichte
  • Städtegeschichte und historische Topographie
  • Darstellungen antiker Götter in Renaissance Kunstwerke

Mein neues Forschungsprojekt, Land of Water: Managing the hydraulic environment in colonial Suriname, c. 1650–1800, beschäftigt sich mit der gebauten und natürlichen Umwelt der niederländischen Kolonie Surinam, mit einem besonderen Fokus auf Wasser.

Lehrveranstaltungen Herbstsemester 2024

Proseminar, Mo., 14 – 16 Uhr
Landschaften bauen: die Erschaffung von Gärten und Territorien in der frühneuzeitlichen Welt


Accepted                    with L. Maddaluno & G. Savani (eds), Negotiating Water Knowledge in Early Modern Europe. Accepted for publication as special issue by Notes and Records of the Royal Society.
Forthcoming ‘Liquid streets: early modern waterways in urban spaces’ in A Rua na Estrutura Urbana | The Street in the City Structure (Porto: CITCEM, exp. 2024).
07/2024 ‘The fountains of the Fugger family’s gardens in sixteenth-century Augsburg’ in Garden History 51:1 (summer 2024), pp. 3–25. Gardens’ Trust 2023 prize: highly commended.
08/2023 with M. Boom (eds), Fickle waters, resilient societies? A roundtable on resilience, sustainability and water history around the North Sea [roundtable discussion].
05/2023 Hydraulic philosophy in early modern European cities (2023) [PhD dissertation on Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository].
03/2022 ‘Neptun und der Lech: flüssige Grenzen und ihr instabiles Gleichgewicht im frühneuzeitlichen Augsburg’ in Mitteilungen des Instituts für Europäische Kulturgeschichte 27 (2022), pp. 11–32. urn:nbn:de:bvb:384-opus4-955368.
12/2021 ‘The Veneto: crossroads between Germany and Italy / Il Veneto, crocevia fra Germania e Italia’ in D. Howard (ed.), Proto-industrial architecture of the Veneto in the age of Palladio / Architettura proto-industriale del Veneto nell’ età di Palladio (Vicenza: CISA A. Palladio & Roma: Officina Libraria, 2021), pp. 93–103. Book won 2023 European Heritage / Europa Nostra Award.
06/2020 ‘The 1618 reconstruction plan of the Weimar Residenzschloss by Costantino de’ Servi’ in Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte 83:2 (June 2020), pp. 213–35.
since 01/2024 Early Postdoc – Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Universität Bern
Postdoctoral research and teaching position at the Abteilung Architekturgeschichte und Denkmalpflege / Department of Architectural History and Preservation.
10/2019 to 12/2023 PhD in History – St John’s College, University of Cambridge, UK
Thesis on ‘Hydraulic philosophy in early modern European cities’ supervised by Dr Richard Serjeantson and advised by Prof Simon Schaffer.
10/2021 to 06/2023 Supervisor – History Faculty & History of Art Department, University of Cambridge, UK
Supervisor (1:1 teaching), class convenor (small group teaching, up to 10 students), and lecturer for both history and art history undergraduate (BA) courses.
09/2017 to 08/2019 Primary School Teacher – Greenwood Academies Trust, Corby, UK
Full-time class teacher in a state primary school in Year 3 (age 7/8). Trained through the TeachFirst Leadership Development Programme (LDP); obtained Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) in 07/2018, and a Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) in Leadership in Learning (Primary) from Birmingham City University in 06/2019.
10/2016 to 06/2017 MPhil in Early Modern History – St John’s College, University of Cambridge, UK
Dissertation on ‘The de’ Servi family in Tuscany and the Empire in the seventeenth century’ supervised by Dr William O’Reilly.
10/2013 to 06/2016 BA (Hons) in History – St John’s College, University of Cambridge, UK
Dissertation on ‘Art, religion, and diplomacy in the life of Costantino de’ Servi (1554–1622)’.