
  • Nicht-westliche Nachkriegsmoderne und zeitgenössische visuelle Praktiken, mit Schwerpunkt auf Lateinamerika
  • Die Beziehung zwischen Kunst und Politik
  • Experimentelle Kunstpraktiken und neue Konzeptionen von Kunst im späten 20. Jahrhundert
  • Globale(r) Konzeptualismus
  • Transnationale Netzwerke der Kunst und transkulturelle Produktion zwischen Lateinamerika, Europa und den USA
  • Künstlerische Mobilität, Geschichte der Migration und Diaspora
  • Räumliche und ökologische Praxis
  • Konzeptualisierungen des Globalen und andere geo-räumliche Kategorien in der Kunstgeschichtsschreibung
  • Postkoloniale und dekoloniale Feminismen


Editor, Charting Space: the cartographies of conceptual art. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2023.

Dematerialization and the social materiality of art: Experimental forms in Argentina, 1955-1968. Leiden: Brill, 2021.
- Recipient of the 2022 Best Book Award in Latin American Visual Culture Studies from the Latin American Studies Association, Visual Culture Studies Section

Selected Publications

"Maps, spatiality and conceptual art”, in Charting space: the cartographies of conceptual art. Ed. Elize Mazadiego. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2023.

Co-edited with Eve Kalyva, Dialogues: The Future of Radical Women -- Feminism and Latin American Art, Latin American and Latinx Visual Culture Vol.5, Issue 2 (April 2023).

with Eve Kalyva, “The future of feminism in Latin American art”, in Latin American and Latinx Visual Culture Vol.5, Issue 2 (April 2023).

“New alignments in 1970s artistic networks: the case of In-Out Center and transnational artists from Latin America in Amsterdam”, RKD Bulletin no. 2022/1.

with Stefaan Vervoort, “When the Sky is Low and Heavy: David Lamelas and Transnational Heritage in Flanders”, Arts 11 (1) (2022): 1-17.

“Urban Folklore: Marta Minujín's Postwar Assemblage and the modern city” in Multiple Modernisms: New Histories of Art in the Global Postwar Era. Eds. Flavia Frigeri and Kristian Handberg. London: Routledge, 2021.

“La Línea” and “La Lleca Colectiva” in Collective Situations: Readings in Contemporary Latin American Art 1995-2010. Ed. Grant Kester and Bill Kelley Jr. Durham: Duke University Press, 2017: 388-391 and 403-406.

“Happenings to Anti-Happenings: The Avant-garde and Obsolescence in 1960s Argentina,” in The Permanence of the Transient: Precariousness in Art. Ed. Camila Maroja and Caroline Menezes. London: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014: 96-105.

“A Witness to Revolution: The Photographic Archive of Oscar Castillo,” in Oscar Castillo Papers and Photograph Collection: The Chicano Archives Series. Ed. Colin Gunkel. Los Angeles: UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center Press, 2011: 23-39.

Co-edited with Edward Sterrett, Silent Witness: Violence and Representation, pros* Journal no.1 (Winter 2011).

with Grant Kester and Jenn Moreno, “Interview with artist Ken Gonzales-Day,” pros* Journal Issue One (2011): 7-24.

“New Public Art: Redefining or Reconsidering Community-Based Art?” pros* Journal Issue 0 (2010): 29-38.