International Conference REMEDIATIONS: Ecologies – Encounters – Engagements
This conference's point of departure is remediations—understood as different forms of mediations and media formats that comment upon and refashion each other. Our conference aims to foster dialogue on plural perspectives on ecologies, enable diverse encounters, and discuss multiple engagements—synergies that thus jointly circumscribe the complex and contested term of the "ecological imperative".
With lectures by Valentina Bonifacio (University Ca' Forscari, Venice), Sria Chatterjee (Director of the Mellon Center for Studies in British Art, London), Gabriele Dürbeck (University of Vechta), Diego Mantoan (University of Palermo), Timo Müller (University Konstanz), Susan Schuppli (Goldsmiths College London), and a lecture performance of the Mesocosmos collective (PhD researchers Andrea Bordoli, Georgina Sánchez Celaya, Jonathan Sarfin, and Magali Wagner with guests).